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Watch Our Video..Click Here Dr. Wayne M. Poller Chiropractic Physician

Certified MUA Physician
Certified in Diagnostic Imaging

Physical Therapy is an integral part of this office furthering our effort to increase the level of service to you, our patient, in helping you achieve your health goals. By combining chiropractic and physical therapy we are providing you with a unique experience in Bergen County.

You are all familiar with all the benefits of chiropractic and now physical therapy will be available to you to compliment the chiropractic care you already receive. Additionally, using physical therapy procedures and protocols we will be able to offer exercise therapy, laser therapy (Cold and Super Luminous Diode/SLD) work hardening orthopedic/physical rehabilitation, and post-surgical rehabilitation of your spine or extremities when indicated and prescribed.

Rainier Dones, PT has many years of experience working with orthopedic neurological problems along with sports injury, and provides pain management for those in need. Bergen Spine and Rehabilitation LLC, is privileged to have excellent physical therapists as part of our staff.

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